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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  October 28, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute [captioning made possible by fox news channel] bill: this is a fox news alert, you are looking at the launch pad in florida, nasa scientists trying to get the ares i-x test rocket into the air. nasa reported overnight at 154 lightning strikes came down within half a mile of the launch pad. that makes it pretty tough. right now the launch window opens at 9:00, we will be coming back to that story in a moment, but now we have new videotape after a devastating attack in pakistan. a bomb fell into a busy market,
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91 are dead, hundreds of more are injured hours after hillary clinton makes her first visit to the country. secretary clinton was three hours away in islamabad, right across the border, afghanistan, 12 dead, gunfire in the background. more on those developing story is in a few moments, here on -- "america's newsroom." joe lieberman threw down the gauntlet yesterday, saying that he was ready to join a republican filibuster to the health care bill. good morning, everyone.
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rocking and rolling this morning. welcome. jenna: good morning, everyone. my name is jenna lee, from the fox business network's extended family. senator lieberman said that he planned to filibuster the bill if it included the government- run option. >> they are going to come the congress to bail them out. the taxpayers will have to do it. there is so much that we can do to help out with health insurance, forced the insurance companies to cover people that are sick, which is when people
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need coverage, extending it to people that do not have it. jenna lee: live from washington we have more on this. we know that harry reid does not have the votes at this point to pass the bill, but can lieberman really block them from bringing up for debate? >> they sure can. they need 60 votes to even start debate. meaning that every democrat will have to go along. some of the moderates say that the government option is a deal breaker. republican senator olympia snowe said that her vote is gone with the public option in there. why did they included? it satisfies senate liberals, but remember that harry reid is facing a tough reelection next
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year. this will help him with liberals in his home state. jenna lee: where does he go from there? what are his options? >> there is a strong possibility that they could go with the trigger plan from olympia snowe. the way that the trigger works is that the government option only comes into play if it brings down costs. jenna lee: we are talking so much about this, but do we know anything about how the opt out plan works? >> we know very little. the cbo should finish its analysis by sometime next week. jenna lee: thank you so much. we will be talking to senator
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lieberman later on on fox news on "america's newsroom." bill: in the meantime we are headed back to the kennedy space center. we could be just eight minutes away from launch. we say we could be because we are on an on-again off-again status. possibly this could represent the future of the next generation of space flight. today's mission is only a test. if all goes well the flight will last for about six minutes. scientists are conducting hundreds of tests, making it so that one day astronauts can return to space, to the moon, possibly even to mars. we are live from the candy space center with more. >> i think we will have a duplication of yesterday's thrill ride.
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gorgeous sunrises here, but it is not good enough according to the weather experts here at nasa. their big concern is that they want no clouds whatsoever as it flies up on this short flight. that could cause electricity or lightning to hit the rocket, they do not want that to happen. on board the ares i-x, 700 sensors and cameras. we should have spectacular images, the sensors will be measuring the effects of the rocket, like vibrations and thermal dynamics. the rocket will be analyzed by many scientists here and in alabama, as well as the inspections still going on on a launch pad. they have looked for anomalies
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in all the systems, looking for any damage from last night to weather event. all of those lightning strikes included four lightning bolts striking within half of a mile. we are told that none of them affected the launch pad. right now everything looks good. this rocket is ready to go, the only issue is the official target time. bill: just so that everyone knows, phil keating has been down there for many shuttle launches. thank you. do not go far. by 507, we are hoping for a launch at 9:15. 9:07, 9:15, we expect a launch. jenna lee: harry reid, influential members of his own
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party not supporting him. what happens next in the senate? bill: they overshot their final destination by 150 miles or so. the faa has told us what they have decided to do with the pilots at the controls. jenna lee: the number one killer of u.s. troops in iraq, one company says they have a blast proof solution for roadside bombs. you will meet the ceo who is so sure that he is willing to bet his own life on it. >> much more expensive, but there is no comparison in performance. to think that we may have made a difference in the life of a soldier, a good deal.
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jenna lee: kind of like waiting for your airplane to take off and we keep hearing about these delays.
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we thought that this rocket was going to launch in a couple of minutes, but now nasa says that due to weather concerns this might not happen until about 10:30. we are waiting to see what this test rocket is going to show us, bringing us a lot of information on the future of space travel, they believe. but it looks like we will have to wait a while longer. brian: -- bill: do not move a muscle. we are watching it for you down there in florida. in the meantime, harry reid is searching for the votes that he needs to pass the health care bill with a public option, which is government-run insurance. he will need every vote for his fellow democrats, and two independents that caucus with
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the democrats. he focused on republicans yesterday, saying that they simply did not want to negotiate. >> we have republicans and democrats working together, but you can advance if your partner is unwilling to get off of the chair. i learned that in high school. i wanted to dance but she would not get up. [laughter] bill: judd gregg, good morning. welcome back to the program. are you ready to dance? what is the story? [laughter] >> we cannot even find the room where they are writing the bill. they are writing the bill behind closed doors.
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outrageous, when you think about it. many of us have been willing to take part in this bill, 10 republicans, 10 democrats, comprehensive reform -- i have my own proposal. what is happening is that leadership on the democratic side has decided to go behind closed doors. bill: i am assuming that you have asked to take a look behind the door? door number one, door number two, what have they said? what is your theory as to why they do not want your input? >> i think that they have decided to go this alone, basically playing to the base, which very much wants a single payer government option proposal, which is the road to a nationalized system like they have in canada.
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if you listen to what they are saying, the only way that they can get the thing that they claim they want to get the they are not going to get is the government option. the only way that the government option works is if they control pricing, using the power of the government to control prices. what is the response? medicaid, they are reimbursing 60% of the rate. lots of doctors cannot afford to participate. they have to shift the cost burden over to the full cost of what they are spending money on in to the private sector. it is a nationalized system that goes to price control as a way to control costs. there is no other way you will bring the costs down. bill: the effect of that is that it is more expensive than anyone
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expects an of quality declines as well, am i right on both counts? >> you are absolutely right. there is a third thing that happens, regarding private insurance and the public plan. bill: max baucus of montana told the speaker that the public plan cannot get the 60 votes needed on the filibuster. yesterday joe lieberman said he would not support it. there are questions over the following democrats -- mark grier, ben nelson, mary lee andrew, those are not republicans -- those are democrats. are they going to get in the way of the plan of harry reid? >> those of thoughtful people in that recognize the problem with the plan, how it will undermine
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the options of the people. bill: you said something to shepard smith last week, you said that you thought bernie madoff was in jail but it appears he is orchestrating these health care systems. where did you get that reference from? >> looking at the floor, i just thought that this was so outrageous. i said he would be in jail for doing this kind of accounting. just like madoff. they are just making things disappear off the books, saying that they do not exist. programs that go for five years that they are using 10 years to pay for? once you have the program fully implemented, you will not have enough to pay for it.
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bad is it -- that is if you even get the circle close, which it does not. you cannot create trillions of dollars in new spending in this government, then claiming that you would be able to pay for it. it simply does not work. bill: thank you. senator, thank you. >> thank you. jenna lee: two northwest airlines pilots, facing serious discipline, how did they miss their landing? we are going to see what is next for them. bill: how bad it is the vaccine shortage across the country?
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one clinic got 120,000 calls in one afternoon. what were they doing? also during the break, next to the hot link, click on the headline, this will take you to an interactive map, and which areas are still waiting for vaccine. back in 3 minutes. .
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bill: those two northwest airlines pilots who made a big blunder in mid-air are officially suspended. that was after they flew past to
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the minneapolis destination by 150 miles. faa says the pilots broke a number of regulations, including at not following air traffic control instructions and reckless flying. the first officer, richard cole , and the captain, told investigators they lost track of time while they were on their laptops. the faa said -- the pilots have about 10 days to repeal the faa's suspension. jenna: hemmer@foxnew1n1 vaccine shortages are causing a lot of problems. we're learning about a clinic in minneapolis that had a melt down the other day. the clinic was so overwhelmed
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that they had to shut their doors. just to make matters worse, the clinic only have about 17,000 doses on hand. this vaccine shortage is especially troubling for those at the top of the list, pregnant women. if you're pregnant, you cannot get the vaccine. what are your options? >> it is not just pregnant women. it is a lot of people in high risk groups. those clinics are trying to get the vaccine out as soon as they get it in. we heard from the cdc officials yesterday that there were production delays and that is causing a delay in getting these shipments to the clinics and hospitals. it is not just pregnant women who are dealing with this, but a lot of people. table looking and checking with health departments to see when a vaccine becomes available.
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jenna: as you are doing that, what are you supposed to do? is there any advice from doctors? >> date advice is coming this last week. the american college of ob/gyn are urging doctors that pregnant patients get vaccinated. they say they are taking an active role in encouraging obstetrician-gynecologist to vaccinate patients against the seasonal flu and the h1n1. the cdc says vaccination is the best defense. it is important for pregnant women to understand the seriousness of how it can affect them as well as their unborn child. jenna: what about the threat of getting this vaccine at all? what can you tell us about that? >> about the pregnant women who are waiting in the long lines,
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there is a survey. some pregnant women are not sure if they will get the vaccine. one in four pregnant women surveyed said that despite the recommendations from health officials, they're not sure if they're going to get the vaccine. cdc officials say they are four times more likely to be hospitalized. 28 pregnant women have died from h1n1. 100 credit women have had to spend time in icu because of it as well. jenna: thank you very much. bill: we mentioned this northwest thing, right? no one is talking about this other story in atlanta hub. northwest is nothing compared to what happened in atlanta. in 20 minutes, new information on an incident that put hundreds of lives in danger. airplane landing on the wrong runway.
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actually, it was not a runway. we're looking for answers on that. jenna: improvised explosive devices -- you can see some of the damage they cause. it is the number-one killer of american troops in iraq. the ceo of a new plastic maker is so sure of this new product that he is volunteering to be the test subjects. he will join us in three minutes. >> you take this helmet and you go like this. nothing. we have a lot of work to do savings soldiers. to go home and think that we may have made a difference in one soldier's life, it is a pretty good deal. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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jenna: in one hour from now, that rocket is supposed to hit the sky. it was supposed to happen five minutes ago, but it was delayed because of the weather. that is what nasa tells us. the rocket iwill get two minutes of flying time, but it is very important for research. in one hour from now, it is supposed to take flight. bill: come on, nasa. in the meantime, on the political front, it is like a political rock concert in virginia for the governor's
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race. yesterday the president was in town. today, mitt romney campaigned with bob mcdonnell. next week's vote of the commonwealth is seen as an early test of the president's popularity. this is a state where president obama won in 2008 and democrats have held the governor's office since 2002. molly henneberg, good morning. what was president obama's message? >> he tried to tie creigh deeds to the previous democratic governors. as the president was campaigning, he was building the case for successful democrats who have won elections in the state of virginia. he talked of senator mark warner.
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and he said deeds would continue the good tradition. he told the crowd of mostly college students not to let the polls and discourage them. >> a lot of people say, "the polls do not look the way we want them to and i am not sure it is going to happen." let me tell you something. i do not believe in can't. i do not believe in giving up. >> in the latest "washington post" paul, booll, bob mcdonnels ahead. bill: thank you, molly henneberg. in the meantime, for all this
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politics, head to our web site, click on the politics tab. this will take you to the home page with all the information that you need to know about the races in virginia and new jersey. jenna: it is not uncommon to see this these days. one chief executive puts them all to shame. he is the ceo of a colorado company that is so confident about his product that he is risking his own body to demonstrate it. as you can see, he is so sure of his product that he is willing to sit in a military vehicle and let you detonate the improvised explosive device around him. he is joining us now from denver. it is nice to see you.
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would you do this right now in the field for the military? >> i really would not. we put our products on the floor of several vehicles. it makes a big difference. the explosion that you just showed, we found that we absorbed 71% of the impact that would normally go into the soldiers leg. that is just not acceptable when you have a technology like ours available to slow that down. jenna: when we look at the statistics for ied's, they are very dramatic. you say that if your product was in the field right now with the military, that would not have been. >> no, no. there are many other factors that cause death and dismemberment inside a military
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vehicle. its content depends on the construction of the vehicle and the occupants in side. if the product can save one soldier, then it is worth it. jenna: you have got that right. we're looking at a picture of some of your technology. have you talked to anyone in washington about this? >> oh, yeah. after this interview, and headed for washington. we worked very hard with the military to try to continue to develop better and better applications that save soldier'' lives. that is our mission here at skydex. our headline is "protected things that matter." it is something that is very serious to us. jenna: timing is important. how long until you get this technology into some of the vehicles for the military? >> we are currently headed for
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at least 5000. that is the current contract with a vehicle called the matv. is a newer vehicle that is getting modified for use in afghanistan because the terrain is different. the roads are different than they are in iraq. we see those 5000 turning into 10,000 by the end of the year. and the money that has been allocated. and there are a lot of other vehicles. we are probably in several thousand right now around the world. jenna: we saw that video where you have the model sitting on top of the explosives. you would do that? >> me personally? jenna: sure. >> no, i cannot do that. the steel plate is 1 inch thick.
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it is very heavy. that is just an example of the kind of force these guys see over there. but dummthe dummy has one leg oe of skydex and one leg on a piece of steel. when the explosion occurs, the skydex leg react very differently. it would not see a to be a fracture. it would not see a lot of ink will damage. -- it would not saee a tibia fracture or knee damage. jenna: it looks like you guys are doing some great work. thank you very much for jeunesse
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today and telling us about your company. >> it is my pleasure. bill: good luck to him. jenna: what do you think about him? would you do that? bill: put your money where your mouth is. let's hope it saves lives. he is the ceo. i just have a tendency to ask you business questions all morning long. jenna: what is your next one? bill: give me a couple of minutes. the whole country has been focused on two pilots missing the airport in minneapolis. there was a much more serious airport into that last week's output more than 100 lives at risk. why a plane at one of america's busiest airports landed, but not on the broadway. jenna: new developments in the harvard medical school of poisoning case. one of the victims said the incident was not an accident at all. all this and more is coming up in three minutes.
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jenna: this story might make you check your cup of coffee. it is a place in the story at one of america's most famous college campuses. the one that dunn says it is in no accident. he is one of six who became sick after drinking a cup of coffee that was poisoned. he said someone is behind this act. investigators continued to probe the august poisoning that just came to light last week in an internal memo to medical school faculty. the memo did not say whether the school thought the poisonings war in centraere intentional or. again, check your coffee. bill: more than nine days later, we're still waiting for answers after a potentially catastrophic incident at one of
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the world's busiest airports. this has the potential to be a major disaster in atlanta. take a look at this map. the airplane landed on the taxiway instead of the runway. this is a delta flight from rio. fortunately, no other airplanes were on that strip during the monday early-morning landing. investigators are trying to figure out how this happened. and so are we. we do not have that. my apologies. we will get to our guest. good morning to you and thank you for your time. i want to show our viewers what we're looking at here. this is the runway. this is a daytime shot.
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here is a runaway. that is not supposed to happen billion years the runway. this is the taxiway. -- that is not supposed to happen. here is the runway. on this screen, we can see one, two, three planes on the t axiway. it is not unusual to see dozens of airplanes lined up on this taxiway. can you tell us how this could happen? >> it is like any incident like this. it is never one thing to this crew had been on duty for 15 hours treat it had probably been plain for 12 hours. it was 6:00 a.m. -- the have probably been flying for 12 hours. the lighting was not on for the run way.
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the taxiway has blue lights. the runway has white lights. the instrument landing system in the cockpit was not on. ils system was shut off. if you take into the fact how tired the crew was, they have a medical emergency. it happens. there were very lucky that they did not have a major accident. bill: i do not understand reduce said the runway lights were not on. that is a big deal. it is dark at 6:00 a.m. >> the high-intensity lights the direct you to the right runway were not on. that is not the ils. the instrument landing system. it is an electronic system. in the cockpit, you dial in a frequency. if the system is turned on,
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there's a center line experan instrument. that was not on. this crew did not have all the facilities that they should have had. i am not saying what they did was excusable. i am saying is understandable. it has happened before. the airline i worked for, we had a check pilot that landed in broad daylight on the taxiway. it does happen. bill: how often? >> not often. it does not happen every day. i would bet you probably once a year. bill: you have flown in and out of atlanta. you know how many airlines. this could have been catastrophic. >> it could have been catastrophic. you need to understand that if there were airplanes on the
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taxiway, he probably would not have landed on the taxiway because he would have seen them. on the other side of the coin, if somebody was clearly left and turning onto the taxiway, he may not have seen them. or there was a vehicle on the taxiway, it could have been just as catastrophic. bill: as a pilot, is it difficult depending on the light of day or the lack of light at night or in the morning hours to tell the difference between a white light and a blue light? >> no, no. that is why they are the colors that they are. remember, he landed at 6:00 a.m. when the sun is not fully up. it is difficult sometimes to see
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everything you need to see. for instance, the runway would have the no. 27 painted on it. bill: that is a great point. >> he may not have been able to see that because of the polite thing to take into the fact how tired they were and the fact that there was a medical emergency in the cockpit. bill: no one was injured. that is a good thing. thank you for your time today. perhaps there's some sort of confusion on behalf of the pilots. in this case, no one was injured at america's busiest airport. thank you. jenna: sometimes a missile launch is just a missile launch. other times it is meant to send some sort of a message. in three minutes, we will be tell to this message was for and what it means in a high-stakes game of global nuclear chess.
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do these american hikers look- alikes cia spies to you? iran thinks so.
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jenna: the number one writer called although loans is asking washington for more money. gmac receive $5 billion from the treasury last year, followed by $7.5 billion more last may.
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gmac is seeking up to $5.6 billion. brian sullivan, why do they need this money? >> gmac is in a tough spot people used to call gmac general mortgage. a lot of people did not realize this company was heavily involved in commercial real estate lending. this would be the third trip to the trough. $28 billion potentially is what they want. taxpayers are likely not going to be happy about this. gm dealers and people want to buy cars need gmac to stay solvent. jenna: what would happen if they did not get this money? >> this is how dealers get cars. the dealers do not have the cash laying around. generally they will go to gmac. if gmac goes into trouble, the dealership across the country is going to be in big trouble.
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bill looks like this will probably happen. jenna: what about the small businesses out there who have not been able to get a loan? what is one to think? >> there are definitely favorites. there are a lot of banks, whether you like them or not, have gotten billions in bailouts. gmac has gotten two. gm itself is $50 billion in the hole to the taxpayer. people think that will never be repaid. small businesses have to be frustrated. cit group is on the verge of insolvency, and yet we do not hear about a potential cit bailout. small businesses have got to be really annoyed. jenna: there's still some work to do. you have a show in about four minutes from now on the fox
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business network. >> i hope the elevator is ready to go. bill: this is a fox news alert. new video from pakistan. check out this scene. only hours after the secretary of state hillary clinton arrived in the country, a car bomb ripped through a crowded market. we're live in pakistan with the latest. the ares rocket is on the launch pad. the liftoff is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. eastern time. do not move. the king of pop is gone. the legacy moves on. how are people reacting to the new documentary "this is it"? >> i want to take people places they have never been before. >> it is a center of everything we're doing. it is so much about this.
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>> i feel so blessed that i can give the world that.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jenna: this is a fox news alert. t minus something and counting. we have new video coming into us. the launch pad in the sunshine state. take two for nasa. we are trying to launch the rocket, the ares rocket after a day filled with cancellations and minor mishaps. a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i am jenna lee. bill: good morning to you. it is great have a new. i think nasa is messing with us. i am bill hemmer. we're now hearing that this may get pushed to 11:00 a.m. you know who knows? jenna: i have a feeling it is
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still keating, who is live at the kennedy space center. >> how about those amazing aerial shot earlier? again, it is a little bit like yesterday. the issue is the dynamic whetheather activity. the rocket is sitting on the launch pad just downwind of space shuttle atlantis, which is waiting for the november 16 launch. all systems are go as far as the rocket is concerned. there were lightning strikes last night. all systems are checking out this morning. the rocket itself was not impacted. neither was the launch pad. we're just waiting on the weather. again, just like yesterday, it is the issue of electrification. nasa does not want to shoot this rocket through any cloud whatsoever, fearing that it
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would create lightning, which could then damage the rocket. we are waiting for a big patch of blue. at 11:00 a.m., there's only a 20% chance of bad weather. we have a 80% chance of positive blue skies at 11:00 a.m. they're targeting that. they really want to get this rocket launched today. tomorrow and thursday will be dominated by preparations for space shuttle atlantis. we're having a little bit of competition here between launch pads. we will see at 11:00 a.m. we will be here for you. back to you. jenna: we know you will. explain to us a little bit about this rocket. there are sensors on the outside. it self-destruct, but it is also
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very important once this gets into the air. can you walk us through that? >> there are more than 700 sensors and cameras on board this rocket. they will be testing all of those things. rocket scientists have relied on computer models to detect this. this is a solid rocket with one booster engine. they want to make sure that this actually performs in the air in real time as their computer models have indicated. vibration issues, aerodynamics' issues, thermal issues, and all kinds of issues that they want to refine the design for the future so that the rocket will be safe enough to put astronauts in it. they are not going to try to do that today.
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primarily, they need to get the first two minutes of the six- minute flight off the ground and reporting data. they will provide all the information for all the scientists back here on planet earth. the lower half will parachute into the ocean and will be retrieved. the top half, which is basically a dummy, will round up about 147 miles east in the atlantic. jenna: we're looking at some incredible animation of what it will look like. phil keating, thank you very much. we hope to see you again soon. bill: we are riding on the real thing. we may see a final version of the house health care reform bill by the end of the week. that is according to the house majority leader, steny hoyer. this is coming as a refreshment of the republican congressman holding a news conference
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yesterday calling for greater transparency and more time to read the bill. how novel. >> what the freshmen republicans want is what the american people want. that is more transparency and a more deliberate process. >> speaker nancy pelosi promised the most open congress in history, but the reality is anything but. >> at the end of the day, the american public is he did when we do not have an opportunity to review the legislation. bill: congressman steny hoyer says is timetable will meet the pledged to post the built 72 hours prior to a vote. jenna: this is a fox news alert. a little bit of business news here. new home sales numbers are just breaking at this time and they are somewhat disappointing. last month a new home sales dropped 3.6%. this is as we are seeing the benefits of the first-time home buyer tax credit starting to dwindle. it is the first decline since
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last march. congress is now considering extending the first-time home buyer tax credit through march, and then gradually phasing out through next year. it is a very important tax credit that a lot of economists are watching for to see if we can get some kind of housing recovery. bill: dow is off 30. nwhat seems to be almost a washington tradition coming around today agreed reports challenging the administration over alleged special treatment for political donors. during the bush years, most favored friends got to sleep over at the white house, go to camp david, and pal around with the president. there are reports in "the washington times" raising questions about friends and supporters of and the perks the
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present administration is dishing out. what are you reporting on this story? >> we are reporting that scores of big donors and big bottlers of donations to obama and the democratic party have been given special access to the white house, to the white house related events, a town hall meetings, celebrations of various kinds. a kind of donor maintenance program that you've just described went on during the bush years and during the clinton years as well. it is something we're used to in washington, but we're not really expecting the obama white house to follow through on because while he admitted that he was sullied by mondaey, as all
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politicians are, but he was one to try to clean it up. turns out that he and the democratic national committee are doing some of the same sorts of things that we have gotten used to in washington. bill: your reporting that if you donate about $30,000, or to bundle $300,000 in contributions -- the information is that the dnc would be allowed to gain access to the white house or the president. the white house says this about it. many of the people mentioned in this story have been friends and associates of the obamas for decades.
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that is there, bir comeback. >> there are two separate things going on. the $3,400 donation for the $300,000 bundled is from the democratic national committee. the people who do those things would get briefings from the white house officials. that is according to dnc documents. the white house does not dispute that. the white house has said that some of the big donors and bunglers to the democratic party and to president obama, some of those are friends of the president. therefore, they have been invited to the white house theater or the white house bowling alley, not just because they were big donors, but because they were longtime friends of the president.
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sometimes those two things are parallel. how long those friends are friends and by their friends are very closely connected to political donations and support. there's no doubt that the obama white house was extending the access to the schoses cool places and cool events, all of these things are not disputed by the white house. the spokesman said that these people are also sometimes friends of the president. we do not dispute that either. bill: thank you. the story broke this morning in "the washington times." we will see where this goes. jenna: this morning, a bloodbath
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in pakistan. secretary of state clinton touched down in a diplomatic mission. on the screen, you can see the chaos and carnage as a bomb ripped through a market. the death toll is topping 90. hundreds more were wounded in this attack. it all happened as the secretary of state made her first official visit to pakistan. it does not appear as though she was the target of this attack. the secretary of state is visiting islamabad, about 300 miles from the scene of this destruction in peshawar. scott is streaming live from islamabad. this blast was one of the worst in years. what happened? >> it is the worst since 2007 did as you said, we are getting a figure of 91 killed in this attack in a large market in the center of peshawar. we also know that hundreds have
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been injured. it was such a massive blast. 300 pounds of explosives were used. it brought down several building spree is started a large buyer. this market caters to women. it is believed that a majority of the casualties are women and children to those numbers are starting to come out now. october has been a very bloody month in pakistan to this is the third bombing alone in peshawar this month. also, across pakistan, we have seen attacks almost every other day that have killed over 250 people. jenna: thank you very much for the update. we will continue to watch that story. bill: back at all, she's on to the bottom of the ocean floor in 1912. this week we could get to the answer of the legal fight of who has the right to recover and sell the treasures on board the titanic.
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jenna: if you are going to san francisco, be sure to find a way around the bay bridge. the nightmare is the unfolding as one of the world's busiest bridges is completely out of commission. that is my home town. we need the bridge. bill: they're laughing and having a good time on videotape. looks like american tourists on vacation overseas. white they are behind bars in iran today -- why they are behind bars in iran today.
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jenna: for nearly three months, they have been held against their will. three young americans detained by iran, accused of crossing over the border while hiking in ahmed awa in iraq. their families have released
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this video on the screen of them dancing and having a good time. the family says these videos prove there were simply on vacation. they had no ulterior motive. what will help convince iran to let them go? we will ask a 24-year veteran of the fbi. he is also the managing director at the institute of security. chris, what are the chances we will get them out? >> the chances are good. not the least of which are iran's problems with a secret alleged nuclear facility. they're trying to appear more moderate. they have said it is in the hands of the judiciary. that indicates it may be leading in the direction of letting them
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go after they hold them for a while. jenna: walk us through the process. this has been 90 days. this could be any of our relatives. what has happened and what needs to happen moving forward? >> the iranians are trying to figure out for sure what they have on their hands, which they have certainly had enough time to do. i'm sure they'd been interviewing or interrogating these people for three months. they have been gauging the reactions of the families and the government's involvement. the families have handled this very well at this point. i think the timing of the release of these videos is a good idea but i think they did it at the right time. jenna: why can't we just go in and get them? >> there are respecting the sovereign government in the country regardless of what we may think of them politically. the more we get iran to act
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reasonably, the more they act reasonably in other areas. the united states approach to this is to take a measured approach and to try not to back the government into a corner, or make an enflame the situation so that iran feels like they have to hold them and make greater accusations against them. jenna: let's talk again soon as we continue to follow the story. bill: looks harmless enough on the video. one of the most important issues in the health-care debate -- whether or not abortion will be funded by taxpayers. there is new information in three minutes about how 40 democrats in the house say they're willing to derail the bill to keep it from happening unless they get their way. jenna: the moment michael jackson fans have been waiting for, a new movie looking at his final days.
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does the documentary live up to all the hype? we will find out to next. >> ♪ you have been hit by a smooth criminal ♪
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jenna: it is a tough time for commuters in san francisco where the bay bridge closed after a collapsed section. it caused a minor accident. no one was injured. it backed up traffic for miles. if 50-foot section of this bridge collapsed in the 1989 earthquake in california.
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now drivers need an alternative route. they have almost 300,000 vehicles using that bridge every day. >> ♪ reaching out see that girl she knows i'm watching ♪ bill: that is from michael jackson's new documentary, "this is it." adam housley is at the pacific theater. you have talked to some fans who saw the film did what did they think? >> we watched the the film last night. we watched it at the famous chinese theater. everyone we talked to -- people were skeptical, and a lot of the
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media said they were shocked about how good it was. it is a one hour and 51 minute music video. it goes through each one of his popular songs. it includes a remake of a "thriller." bill: is the legacy of michael jackson impacted in any way? >> a lot of people knew they would put this in a positive light. >> michael jackson will emerge from this movie the undisputed legend that he is. regardless of what goes on on the personal side of his life, as a performer, as an entertainer, this will return him forever. >> a lot of the dancers that took part in the music video and
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would have taken part in the big concert in london -- they said they were all very surprised at how well jackson did at the time they were preparing for the concert. bill: he looked to be in great shape. what about the investigation? it is still under way. have we learned anything more? >> at this point, they're still going forward with it. they're still looking at the doctor very closely. they do not think he is a flight risk at all. there's no plan for arrests. this is such a popular release. 99 countries will have this. we do expect something relatively soon treated spent a couple of months. they equated in this investigation to the investigation of anna nicole smith. if fans want to weigh in on this, you can go to
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if you have seen the film, if you want to see the film, or if you do not want to see the film, fell free to throw in your two cents on jenna: you offered to moonwalk. bill: i can. jenna: really? i would have never thought. the things we learned from a fox news. democrats in congress say a health care reform will not fund a taxpayer abortions, but every republican amendment that includes abortion spending was defeated. one congressman is tried to put an end to this debate once and for all. he will join us next. bill: check out those clouds. undersea explorers want another expedition to the titanic. this is about the money. court battles over who will reap the riches of the deep. and it is a fortune. jenna: department of homeland security issue a new warning on h1n1. it has nothing to do with your
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health. the new threat to the virus poses to the internet really will explain that. go to type in h1n1. that will give you all the latest on this virus. (announcer) big news for stiff joint sufferers. to improve joint comfort in as little as six days.
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six days, that's fast! (announcer) joint supplement pills are history, because elations powerful formula is more absorbable than pills, delivering clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin in a great-tasting drink you enjoy every day. it tastes absolutely delicious. goodbye horse pills. i've got it working for me. (announcer) elations. the new standard in joint health.
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bill: this is a fox news alert.
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what we are seeing at the kennedy space center. nasa will try to launch the new ares 1-x test rocket. nasa is reporting an estimated 154 light beam strikes throughout the night within a five-mile radius of the launch pad. that is not what they want to see. today they will look for a window and a break in the clouds. the launch window, we are told by nasa, will reopen at 11:00 a.m. eastern time, just 28 minutes from now. no one has ever seen the ares rocket launch before. this might be the way that we go back to space in the future of space exploration and trouble. we are watching that. maybe we will get it in 27 minutes. jenna: in afghanistan a deadly
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attack was targeting a u.n. workers divide the heart of afghanistan's capital city. this is the scene in kabul. rebels stormy and guest house used by the united nations. at least 12 people dead, including six u.s. staff members. it became a two-hour standoff. some victims' were jumping out of second story windows. military rocket fire also striking the afghan presidential palace. this is all in what is considered to be the safest part of this war-torn country. we will continue to watch how that story develops. in the meantime, we go to pakistan, where there was also a lot of death and destruction. secretary of state clinton is there on the diplomatic mission. we had chaos and carnage after bombs ripped through a bustling market. this market is mainly geared toward women.
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the death toll is now topping 90 people. hundreds more were wounded in this blast. it all happened as the secretary of state made her first official visit to afghanistan. it does not appear at this time the she was a target of any attack. she was visiting the pakistani capital of islamabad, which is 300 miles away from peshawar. bill: the feds are warning that as the flu spreads, there could be a surge in telecommuting, and that means internet networks could get overwhelmed that is bad news for the economy because the internet is crucial. so far, there's no word on whether or not the government has a real plan to deal with the potential crisis. is your source on the h1n1 virus. click on the h1n1 vaccine map.
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find your state, zoom in, click on the red dot closest to you. you can still find all the latest news and stories on h1n1 in our search box at the top of the home page. right now out jenna: a controversial congressman getting new attention. first, he said that republicans want a sick people to die quickly. now he is under fire for calling a female adviser to fed chairman ben bernanke a taste treat -- k street blank. grayson has not apologized for these comments. shannon bream is live for us in
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washington. i had to be creative with the blank. >> the congressman cannot keep himself out of trouble. he kind of enjoys throwing out a lot of controversial comments and engaging in back-and-forth with republicans. he seems to be taking some steam from that. he seemed encouraged in recent weeks until some of his most controversial comments. here's an example of what he had to say about former vice president dick cheney last week. >> i had trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood of the trip from his teeth. he is just angry because the president does not shoot old men in the face. >> they are equating the former vice president to a vampire, not exactly flattering. jenna: wow, i had not heard that
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sound bite. let's talk about the latest news. it looks like racgrayson might be a little contrived this time. >> we're talking about linda robinson, an adviser to fed chairman ben bernanke. on a recent radio show in one month ago, he made a comment that she was a k street -- we will substitute the word "prostitute." at least in recent weeks, he has gone a little bit too far. jenna: you have to wonder what he will say next. thank you, shannon bream in washington, d.c. bill: funding for abortion reigniting the battle over health-care reform.
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some pro-life democrats could pose the biggest threat to the bill overall. here is michigan democrat on "america's newsroom" in september. >> if you cannot include a vote on public funds for abortion. do you have the votes? could you and other pro-life democrats defeat the bill? >> yes, we believe we have the votes. we're not taking anything for granted. bill: was then and this is now. he has not backed off. the maryland democrat joins us this morning. could your own democrat party -- could they do in your bill -- could they doom your bill? >> we're working closely with
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them to write the bill in a way that makes it absolutely clear that no public dollars, no taxpayer dollars, it can go to fund abortions as part of the health care reform bill. we're trying to work with them on the language to accomplish exactly that. obviously, we're not there yet to their satisfaction. we're continuing to work on it. bill: he says he has the support of 40 pro-life blue dog democrats. i am thinking maybe you do not get the 218 votes allow us to satisfy him. can you say today that you have the language exactly that will satisfy people like them? >> i do not know if it will satisfy every member of the collision, but we're making sure that we have language to satisfy those whose view is, and it is a view that we collectively share, that no dollars under this health care reform package, public dollars, should go to
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fund abortions. we're all agreed on that. there is disagreement on exactly how to make sure that you verify that system, and make sure you put in place the ability to make sure that those public dollars are never used for those purposes. and 11 people to use their own money to buy insurance plans of their choosing. -- and allowing people to use their own money to buy insurance plans of their choosing. that is the challenge. i believe we will get to a solution that alley sat least addresses the concerns of the group you are referring to. bill: house speaker nancy pelosi is on board? >> i did not say that every but they would be satisfied. i said that the great majority of people who have raised these issues will be satisfied. we are marching on language to accomplish that purpose. there are a lot of questions regarding verification, making
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sure that a taxpayer dollar that comes in cannot go toward any kind of abortion services. and at the same time, allowing people to use their own dollars to buy coverage of their choosing, as they can today. i think we're getting there, but we are not there yet. there's a good faith intent on both sides of the issue to resolve it at least to the satisfaction of most people. again, not every person. bill: you're also saying that if you get the language right and the language right that satisfies the blue dogs and pro- life democrats and republicans, you may lose some on the other side of the democrats. >> i do not think we are. again, there's a consensus on what the outcome should be.
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again, no public dollars can go for those purposes. the disagreement has spenbeen ho create a system to verify that without intending on people's ability to use their own money to buy whatever health insurance plan they choose. that is the balance that needs to be struck. bill: do you believe in the height amendment that was passed in the 1970's to make sure that federal money does not pay for abortions? >> yes, we are trying to codify the amendment as part of the health-care reform bill. we want to essentially adopted the same approach in the health care reform bill that the amendment did. bill: chris and holland, thank you. jenna: this might look familiar to you. we have all eyes on the launch pad in cape canaveral.
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that is a light look at the kennedy space center. nasa is trying to launch this "america's newsroom." . -- nasa is trying to launch this ares rocket. bill: a journey back to the titanic is sparking a legal battle over buried treasure. so then we wonder who gets to take all the loot brought up from the ocean floor. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement
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jane: good morning, everybody. senator lieberman will be our guest. jon: we will also talk numbers with karl rove. will nasa finally get its mission off the ground?
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we will have them for you on "happening now." >> it is a diamond, 56 carats to be exact. it was worn by louis xvi. they called at the heart of the ocean. jenna: you knew that movie clip was coming. the legends of treasure aboard the titanic are endless, but the answers could be right around the corner. a company is fighting in court to recover more of those are the fatifacts. the president of titanic society joins us to talk to us about what is at stake here with the company that wants to go down and get more of this treasure. >> the company has raised 6000
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objects from the ocean floor. it is really a race against time because the ocean environment down there is extremely hostile to the artifacts. they are getting destroyed day- by-day. it is a heroic feat in terms of retrieving these objects from 12,000 feet down. jenna: there in court right now because the objects that you mentioned it could be worth $110 million. what do they really want? >> they are seeking an agreement from the court that they can own the objects outright rather than the steward of the object. the objects are basically under the control of the court. they are seeking outright ownership. there are no plans for them to sell the objects. and the u.s. government and the judge in this case are placing eight series of -- or placing a series of restrictions on the
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collection id must be kept as a collection treated must be kept in public view. jenna: a few of them have wound up in auction houses in london. >> not as far as i know. jenna: there have been some reports of that. you have been down there to the titanic. what is left? what does it look like? >> it is a rather somber and sad place. you are filled with images of what happened that night. you can visit the pivotal places where action took place. there's a tremendous sadness. the idea of a facility designed for people, and yet there are no people there. jenna: we're looking at some images on our screen. what is left to get from the titanic? >> most of the objects that have
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been recovered have been recovered from the debris field, when the titanic broken to pieces. it dropped the contents all over the ocean floor. a key question will be whether they can go inside the ship and recovered materials from the interior. that is important because the titanic is corroding very quickly. it has a biological infestation that is attacking the columns that are holding the debck up. jenna: that 56 carat per share of diamond -- >> it is a figment of the director's imagination. bill: t minu nine minutes and counting until we see the islamabad fly. launch time is at the top of the honor. do not move. . . s on my way to present ideas about all the discounts we're offering. i've got some catchphrases that'll
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make these savings even more memorable. gecko: all right... gecko: good driver discounts. now that's the stuff...? boss: how 'bout this? gecko: ...they're the bee's knees? boss: or this? gecko: sir, how 'bout just "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance." boss: ha, yeah, good luck with that catching on! anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. . .
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bill: fox news alert. we had our fingers crossed. nasa has given us the red light for the ares rocket. we thought maybe 11:00, six minutes from now, we would get a lift off. it is not going to happen. the weather is not good enough. checking out the computer, the red has been put into effect. a very dynamic situation. so we thought we might be a go, lift offset for 11:00 a.m., but this time, it is not going to happen, so we wait for nasa to let us know. we also hope that jenna would bring us good luck. jenna: you never know.
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11:00 0011:08 might be right turn. let's get the real story here. >> i guess we will be looking for an update from you may be in four or five minutes, just to see where we are on the weather. >> we are still looking at that as, four nautical miles north. it looks like we are not going to reach t-0. >> understood. we will be standing by. we've just looking for an update. >> just has not been enough time yet for new data.
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bill: here is what is going on -- nasa has folks all over florida. they have plans in the air checking out the weather. they have people in the atlantic ocean. they have them everywhere, mission control all throughout the state of florida. when they send a communication link down the line, sometimes, it takes a few seconds for the answer to come back. we just want to be patient trying to figure out what nasa is going through right now. they are the best source of information. i want to thank my partner jenna today because she brought jane and jon a lot of good luck. we will stay on this story, and we hope in about 12 minutes, you will see the ares rocket fire of
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some sort appeared in the meantime, we will see you tomorrow. "happening now" starts at the hour. do not move. we've got this for you when we come back. medicare.
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